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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > LIMITED EDITION 12 > Chaos-End Master

Chaos-End Master Used Deck

Chaos-End Master
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster
Tuner Monster
- 3 Warrior 1500 1000
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher monster with 1600 or less ATK from your Deck.
Average Rating Score 7.7(31)
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  3. Decks with Chaos-End Master (58 Decks)
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"Chaos-End Master" card reviews and rating scores

29% (9)
48% (15)
22% (7)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan 超弩級スライム
2022/10/15 15:11
Yugioh Icon
In the weakest argument, 《Morinphen》etc. are not the weakest cards.
However, for this card, rather than recruiting such a weak card, I want to recruit a monster with a powerful effect.
In terms of performance, it can be connected to recruited monsters and S summons, but the activation conditions are slow and the performance is not enough to be able to go on a business trip.
japan ねこーら
2022/09/11 10:51
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Various monsters can be produced if battle destruction is assisted with 《Honest》.
His own ATK is low, but if you use 《Honest》or 《Moon Mirror Shield》to support it, you can afford to activate it.
As a monster to put out, I want to give priority to having a merit effect around Valkyrie Zweite .
It's easy to follow up with self-enhanced cards like 《Kuribabylon》, and Kana has good compatibility.
When he intercepts the opponent's monster, he recruits Artifact and uses its effect, etc., and it has a wide range and can be considered.
japan 戦士族大好き
2022/05/01 16:28
Yugioh Icon
Raised in a good family of Warrior tuners in LIGHT.
Being level 3 has both good and bad sides, but I think this is also an exquisite status because the competition is too fierce for level and rank 4.
ATK 1500, which is a passing score for level 3, and it is also good that the person himself is a recruiter compatible status while having a recruiting effect. If it was level 4, it would have been an oddball with ATK 1600-1700.
The effect is a savior for troubled girls with a level of "If you have trouble handling a monster, let's see if you can deal with this guy first" level, and since this card is also a tuner, if you can actually activate it, you'll be able to do quite a unique move.
For example, he can use Fiends, but since he can use Effect Monsters without a pledge, I would like to use them.
The weak point is that you have to go through battle.
Also, since she needs to send GY, it should be noted that she cannot be activated even if she defeats a monster that is excluded due to a token or a demerit after self-regeneration. Self-regeneration tends to have low stats, so that's a disappointing point.
In casual battles, if you keep this card upright, opponents who read the air will likely fight against this card. Let's hold 《Rookie Warrior Lady》and 《Honest》as etiquette.
japan ブルーバード
2021/12/10 19:06
Yugioh Icon
Morinphen》famous card for enhancement. However, because of that, it seems that even poorer people such as Dark Chimera, who were abandoned just because they were 10 higher, were exposed.
At that time, it can be inferred that he used this card to play Dark End Dragon, and as a Synchro material, he used them as materials to create chaos monsters and count Damned.
However, if it's better to use someone else instead of using 《Morinphen》.
japan みめっと
2020/10/21 16:55
Yugioh Icon
To put it bluntly, I'm a recruiter with lots of strange friends.
Originally, it is a monster that was born to synchronize the light end and the dark end by calling "Sphere of Chaos" with its own effect.
Due to such circumstances, I am qualified as a tuner, so later I became flexible in various ways.
However, since Recruit's activation condition is battle destruction trigger, it is indispensable to support with some kind of battle support card.
The variety of access destinations is quite unique, and every time a new monster appears, the mentality of "Ah, that's Chaos-End Master to recruit" has been established in the old duelists.
japan gaya
2020/10/20 0:44
Yugioh Icon
The card itself is weak, but I feel that the value of the general-purpose recruiter is high. It can be fully evaluated as a valuable card even without the material.
japan アルバ
2020/10/19 23:55
Yugioh Icon
The card that rescued Morinphen and pushed Dark Chimera to the bottom of hell.
Through battle, you can recruit high-level but low-status monsters.
The effect is effective and there are no restrictions on race or attributes, so the recruiting range is wide, and the person himself is a Warrior and has many supports.
He needs to get through the battle, but fortunately he's LIGHT, so he's protected by Honest.
However, looking at it as a deployment card, it is a difficult point that cannot be ignored because it requires battle and its status is low.
japan シエスタ
2018/09/06 16:12
Yugioh Icon
Since it is a low-level warrior, it is blessed with support and is easy to pull, and since it is a tuner, it can be used as a material for Synchro Harifiber.
If you destroy it in battle, you can pull a wide range of low RBI advanced players and recruit Morinphen, so you can sometimes be treated like a partner.
However, it can be said that strengthening is essential because it is barely enough to defeat the recruiter by himself alone. Luckily, he is LIGHT, so his honesty is a big factor.
Also, once the effect is decided, it is possible to synchronize with one card, but it is basically a main 2 summon and it feels a little slow.
I think it's an interesting card that can be used in various ways if you close your eyes to its lack of power and slowness on its own.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/02/09 20:41
Yugioh Icon
A monster that can recruit 《Morinphen》even though it is passive in battle.
Since it is a tuner, it can be recruited with Hari Fiber.
japan 京太
2018/01/26 23:17
Yugioh Icon
Morinphen》+ this guy = strongest
japan くろゆき
2017/10/10 5:17
Yugioh Icon
Morinphen》's partner. Nothing more, nothing less.
Even though it requires combat, he's not weak to Special Summon from the deck. Stats are good enough for level 3. Above all, the fact that he himself is a tuner is wonderful. Combined with its level, it is the perfect monster to draw out advanced monsters with low stats.
japan なす
2017/08/16 23:10
Yugioh Icon
A level 3 tuner that can recruit monsters of level 5 or higher and RBI of 1600 or lower by battle destruction.
Since it supports Honest, it is easy to aim for battle destruction.
It can be connected to a wide range of synchros from recruiting target monsters such as "Sphere of Chaos" in the same pack.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/08/21 23:50
Yugioh Icon
Simply put, 《Morinphen》sama's butler.
If destroyed in battle, he can Special Summon monsters with 5 stars or more and ATK 1600 or less from the deck. If I don't call "Morinphen" instead of Tool-tan, I guess it's just the air...
It's normal for ATK 1500☆3, so I'd like to aim for battle destruction with honesty etc.
The person himself is also a ☆3 LIGHT warrior, and he has ATK 1500 and many supports.
japan セプテン
2016/08/21 23:49
Yugioh Icon
Morinphen》's servant.  
In addition to summoning 《Morinphen》from the underworld, it is also possible to combine with 《Morinphen》and release a Synchro Monster.
japan あだ
2016/08/21 23:04
Yugioh Icon
Morinphen》is great!
Chaos-End Master》is great!
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/04 20:09
Yugioh Icon
Morinphen》sama's loyal apostle. There's no way Special Summon is weak from the Deck, and even Morinphen, who looks like a shit card with a shitty status despite being a high-level card that's hard to find at first glance, is more than worth adopting due to the existence of this card. . Speaking of 8 synchro, it is the hottest synchro band along with 7 synchro.
It can be said that he is blessed as a recruiter from his deck with a status of 4 or less warriors, LIGHT, and a level 4 ATK.
The opponent who took 1550 damage from 《Morinphen》-sama's follow-up attack will probably urinate and cry and apologize.
japan たたた
2014/01/22 11:54
Yugioh Icon
There aren't many decks of his that can be incorporated, but the gimmick itself is reasonably strong thanks to the fact that this guy is a tuner.
However, it is necessary to devise a way to destroy the battle at 1500
japan おんみょん
2014/01/15 7:34
Yugioh Icon
You and I summon Synchro!
Morinphen》's partner.
A special summon card exclusively for 《Morinphen》.
Atk 1500 is a good value for a level 3, and can be knocked down by a low class.
You can hit with 《Morinphen》you summoned, or you can synchronize.
Morinphen》A must-have card for your deck.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/12/11 8:46
Yugioh Icon
A card that gave meaning to many early vanillas. It's a little difficult to aim for destruction in battle with his not-so-high ATK, but if the effect works, he can summon a Synchro Monster at level 8 or higher, so it's well worth building a dedicated build. Recently, 9, 10, and 11 have also increased the number of general-purpose synchros that can be called with a single material, so there are a few more options.
japan みらん
2013/09/17 12:35
Yugioh Icon
pretty strong
japan スイッチ
2013/08/15 17:56
Yugioh Icon
With this, you can call Trikeliner Kudo!
japan バーン信者
2013/07/03 20:25
Yugioh Icon
At level 5 or higher, he has ATK 1600 or less.
That means you can call the Trikeliner from the Deck!
Trikeliner is level 6, so if you synchronize with two bodies, it's level 9.
Speaking of level 9 general-purpose synchros, Kiiwajo from the next pack.
I think I can make an interesting chaos deck.
2013/02/13 12:17
Yugioh Icon
This guy's strength is pretty amazing.
Don't lick the tuner beat.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/05 10:11
Yugioh Icon
Warrior LIGHT ATK 1500 tuner... and a lot of support cards. The activation conditions are a little harsh, but being able to deploy monsters in exchange for your opponent's monsters is strong. Or rather, there's no way a tuner with a deployment assist effect is weak. However, since this card has the ability to defeat Recruiter, Honest and Shrinkage are essential if you want to use it as a core. It's attractive to be able to read monsters that ordinary recruiters can't call. Recommended is Madolche Pudintess
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/04 20:47
Yugioh Icon
At first glance, it seems that the effect is strong, and it is a serious one.
At level 5 or higher, he has ATK 1600 or less... I can't think of anything.
However, it would be nice to build a dedicated Deck.
japan わたV
2012/11/04 20:45
Yugioh Icon
It is a tuner and has a powerful effect.
The savior of 《Morinphen》.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/09/01 7:49
Yugioh Icon
At the same time as the savior of the early Soth senior vanilla, he is also the person who made 《Morinphen》a little more practical from a joke.
It's a little difficult to aim for her 1500 condition, but it's reassuring to be able to bring materials and synchronize in the main 2.
japan キラープリン
2011/05/31 4:15
Yugioh Icon
It's not a very strong card, but it's an overall blessed card with attributes, races, and status.
Honest assists in destroying battles and activating effects, Warrior makes it easy to search and salvage, 1500 makes it easy to call from Recruiters, etc. If you build your Deck according to this card's characteristics, it will be a card that will earn you a great deal of advantage. That's right.
japan とき
2010/08/27 18:13
Yugioh Icon
A card that became a savior for many early weak and advanced players.
With this card, Leowizard-sensei and 《Morinphen》-sensei get out of the joke.
His summoning body is subtle, but his ATK and tuner that exceeds the recruiter line as a light warrior are also very good. Although conditional, it is strong that he can call synchro materials from the deck.
japan かどまん
2023/08/19 14:10
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/27 23:04
Morinphen》sama's greatest partner. With this guy and 《Morinphen》, you can aim for Rank 8 by starting from Level 8 Synchro.

Decks with "Chaos-End Master"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
LIMITED EDITION 12 LE11-JP003 2008-07-01 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,258 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 39,826


Japanese card name カオスエンドマスター

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